Guidelines for volunteering


St. James School

525 East 14th St.
Crete, NE  68333
Phone:  402-826-2318

St. James School Volunteer Guidelines (Updated 2020)

Welcome to St. James School!  Thank you for giving of your time and talent to St. James School.  So that you can have a clearer understanding of what is expected at St. James School, please observe the following guidelines.  Thank you, again, for your generosity in sharing your time and talent.

God will bless you!         Sister Mary Alma, C.K.


Volunteer Application form, background check form, complete “Safe and Sacred” on-line course.


When you arrive please sign in and take a name tag.  When you leave, please sign out.


Confidentiality is an important quality in our volunteers.  As followers of Christ, we are exhorted to “say only the good things men NEED to hear”.  We must be careful not to involve ourselves in gossip or detraction, which are sins against the eighth commandment.  We are responsible for protecting the reputation, dignity and good name of our teachers, students and their families.  If you have any concerns please talk to the principal about it.


¨      Modesty and respect for our bodies as a gift from God is emphasized.

¨      Kindly refrain from wearing:  tight-fitting shirts, pants or skirts; skirts that are above the knee; low necklines or sleeveless shirts; shirts that show bra lines or straps; shirts that show the abdomen; shorts or low waist-line clothes or oversized pants.

¨      Jewelry has many norms in our current society.  When you come to St. James School acceptable jewelry includes: watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings (girls only) in the earlobe.  Please remove other visible jewelry and in other pierced areas (nose, tongue, upper ear, eyebrow, etc.)

¨      Using positive language is important as a mentor for any student.  However, sometimes people develop habits that could be offensive even if they are accepted in general society.  Therefore:

¨      Do not use the Name of God or Jesus in a careless or disrespectful way.

¨      Do not use curse words, even of a “soft” kind.

¨      DO feel free to share your love for God with our students and answer questions if they ask.  However, if you are not Catholic or are not sure how to answer something, you can always ask the teacher or principal for help!


¨      Lunch: You may either pack your lunch or eat hot lunch for $2.40.

¨      Refrain form eating food or chewing gum when you are volunteering.

¨      Any item that could be perceived as a weapon, such as a pocket knife, is not allowed in school.  If you are in doubt about an object, simply ask at the office or choose not to bring it.


Examples of duties that you may perform:

  • Assist in organizing field trips.
  • Read aloud or listen to students read.
  • Assist students in performing activities that have been initiated by the teacher.
  • Hand out papers and collect paper work.
  • Assist with supplementary work for advanced pupils.
  • Provide special help such as drilling with flash cards, spelling and play activities.
  • Assist in preparing instructional materials.
  • Reinforce learning with small groups.
  • Assist students in learning their names, addresses, telephone number, birthdays, and parents’ names.
  • Supervise free play activities, playground, lunchroom, study hall, restrooms, etc.
  • Put work on the chalkboard.
  • Order films and other supplies.
  • Type tests, bibliographies, lists, notices, class materials, and other materials.
  • Check objective portions of homework, workbooks, etc.
  • Duplicate tests and other materials.
  • Change bulletin board displays.

Examples of duties that you may not perform:

  • Assume responsibility for a classroom or a professional service.
  • Assume responsibility for the diagnostic and programming functions of the classroom.
  • Assume responsibility for preparing lesson plans.
  • Assume responsibility for assigning grades to students.
  • Initiate original concept instruction.
  • Act as an instructional resource aide for students without direct teacher supervision.
  • Assume full responsibility for supervising and planning activities.
  • Program or prescribe educational activity materials for students.
  • Grade subjective or essay tests.
  • Regulate student behavior by corporal punishment, suspension or expulsion.
  • Assign grades or other evaluation criteria to students’ tasks.
  • Assume responsibility for medical needs of students.