How is a Catholic School different from other schools?
We are different in our philosophy and purpose. We see education and the whole of life as inseparable from God. Our purpose is to form our children in Jesus Christ.

Why do parents choose a Catholic School?
Most parents choose a Catholic School because they want their children to learn Christian values. Others choose Catholic Schools because of their high academic and disciplinary standards. Another reason is the family atmosphere and strong community.

What are the teachers like?
They are very hard working, loving and dedicated to the mission of Catholic education! They are willing to labor and sacrifice for your child’s education. Teachers are state qualified educators and are determined to provide a strong academic program.

Can I afford St. James School?
Yes. The tuition averages about $75 per month for one child for parishioners. No child is ever refused admittance due to the inability to pay. Arrangements can be made with the pastor.

Can non-Catholic children attend this school?
Yes. Every child is welcome.

What if my child does not understand English?
We recommend a preschool program before beginning Kindergarten. We teach English to older students through immersion and tutoring.

What other programs are provided?
Physical education, computers, library, art and music are all part of our curriculum. Third through sixth graders can participate in a diocesan-wide extra-curricular reading club called Page One. Our fifth and sixth graders have the opportunity to
participate in competitive league basketball and volleyball. The Christian values of sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play are emphasized.

A high-quality academic program is of utmost importance at St. James School. Our curriculum includes: religion, language arts, math, science, social studies, art, music, computer and physical education.

Every classroom is equipped with an interactive SMART Board. We have a mobile iPad center with 31 iPads.  We provide opportunities for participation in Special Education, Title I, and Speech Therapy. We offer individual tutoring for children who are experiencing academic
difficulty or who have English as their second language.

In addition to the state requirements for curriculum, St. James School provides children with a Christian environment: preparation for reception of the Sacraments, daily Mass and religion class, opportunities for monthly confession, daily prayers and other experiences of their Catholic faith like the All Saint’s Parade, a Living Rosary, Christmas program, Living Stations of the Cross and May Crowning.