Links to Community Activities
City of Crete Park and Rec Schedule
The Academics & Activities Strategic Planning Pillar would like to get input from you about activities that you would be interested in for your children. We would also like to see if there is anyone who would like to lead or help with these activities. Please complete the brief survey by clicking the link or scanning the QR code.
A hard copy is available if needed, but the first option is to take it electronically if possible. Students in grades 3rd through 6th will be taking a similar survey at school to gage their interests, as well. Thank you for taking a moment to give your input and for prayerfully considering how you might be able to share your gifts of time and talent. If you are considering whether or not you might be able to lead or help with an extracurricular activity, know that the number and length of sessions can be determined by the leader. Being able to provide extracurricular activities is dependent upon finding generous parents, parishioners, and/or community members who can lead them. God bless you!